Abby Jorgensen » Hello!


My name is Abby Jorgensen and I'm starting my 5th year teaching and my 3rd year at Compass Academy! I have been a 4th grade teacher for 3 years. I received my degree from Texas Christian University in 2008 in Ad/PR and found my way into teaching a few years later. I am certified in Early Childhood - 6th grade. 
I grew up in Odessa and have lived here most of my adult life. I have 2 sweet girls- Maggie (4th grade) and Evie (2.5) and 2 puppies, Sage and Sally. 
I love spending time with my family and friends, traveling, reading and cooking. 
I'm so thankful to be a part of Compass as a parent and a teacher!
A few of my favorites..
Food: Italian and Asian
Drink: HTeaO (1/2 almond, 1/2 unsweet green)
Store: Target, Amazon, Ulta
Candy: Nerd Clusters, Reeces peanut butter cups
Season: Fall and Winter
Holiday: Christmas